Monday, February 04, 2019

Things are more normal again!

What I thought was a problem with the mailing software, appeared to be a combination of non-fatal errors and server malfunctions from crontab to perl modules. Nothing worked properly - I couldn't even get a copy of the daily logs!
I had to rebuild the 'drivers' sending mail and check everything worked on another server before reinstalling on Deliverer's server. Slowly but surely, script by script, things began to work normally. However, there is still a small problem with the support system which I am currently working on. It can be used in the meantime. Hopefully, I will also get a chance to finish testing the new, bounce-handling system soon.
Meanwhile, you can now send to the list normally. Apologies to anyone who joined during the overhaul.
I hope you will enjoy the improved Deliverer Safe List.