Monday, August 19, 2024

Rock-Paper-Scissors classic game with an NFT twist

Engage in the most captivating battles, earn rewards, and gain cosmetic bonuses to showcase your superiority! All NFT rewards will be distributed at the end of Season One, based on your blockchain statistics.
'Rock Paper Scissors' is a game powered by blockchain technology, putting a new twist on the classic game by integrating real money. The game facilitates play with any ERC20 tokens available in your wallet. During the initialization of a game, you'll be asked to select an amount from your preferred crypto assets, known as your bet. Two players with matching bets are then paired to play until a winner is determined.
The gameplay follows traditional 'Rock Paper Scissors' rules. Each player chooses one of three shapes: rock, paper, or scissors, on each move. The game operates on the premise that rock crushes scissors, scissors cuts paper, and paper covers rock. If both players select the same shape, it results in a draw, and the game continues.
The game aims for the first player to achieve three victories, who is then declared the overall winner and receives the whole pot, which is the sum of both players' bets. The game has a time limit for each turn set at 15 minutes. If neither player makes a move within the 15 minutes, either player can initiate a technical forfeit and claim the entire prize. Winning involves strategically predicting your opponent's moves and choosing between rock, paper, or scissors.

On-chain referral program
Invite new players to the 'Rock Paper Scissors' peer-to-peer game and earn 0.5% lifetime share of the commission fees.

This site is designed to provide a fun and visually pleasing crypto-gaming experience on the blockchain.
The game logic is comprised of open-source, self-executing smart contracts hosted on various permissionless, public blockchains, such as Ethereum. We do not have direct control over, or assume responsibility for, any blockchain networks or the execution of their smart contracts.
By using this frontend site, users accept the decentralized nature of blockchains. Users are solely responsible for managing their self-custodial wallets when interacting with blockchains. They also bear the responsibility to review and interact with the smart contract using platforms like Etherscan or any other blockchain explorer.
Please be careful and fully understand the risks involved before interacting with the smart contract. We value your trust and are committed to being transparent and clear. 

TrafficEra long-lived traffic exchange and networking opportunity

Dear reader,

How are things going? Lately, I have been really busy trying to build up an income online, and have found a great way to generate a lot of traffic to all my websites, and it doesn't even cost anything to join.

This program is totally fr.33 to use and can produce incredible results very quickly! However, the best part is that when you sign up for an account, you will also be integrated into its large network of over 50,000 other marketers from all over the world!

It really is a great place to hang out and earn a lot of extra traffic to your websites at the same time. There is so much more to this program, that it would take me forever to go over it all in this email... so it is really better that you just see for yourself what I am talking about. It won't
cost you anything to check it out and I am positive that you will be pleased at what this program can do for you.

My link is just below and when you sign up, you will see me as your sponsor and we can start networking right away! Plus, you can contact me at any time and I will help to show you how you can use this incredible program and get results.

I am really looking forward to seeing you in the members area!

Good luck and God bless you,

Nigel Barksfield
Deliverer Safelist

Fuse Gold X token secured by physical gold

    Love gold and want to be part of a new digital era? This is where comes into its own. All of our gold is backed and secured by verified 99.999% LBMA-approved gold stored in vaults around the United Kingdom. We are combining the stability of gold with the technical advantages of crypto and creating a new gold rush which will go down in history. 

    Register today so we can alert you when we are fully live. Not only will you be one of the first to get a gold X token, but you will be one of the first with the ability to mine or just hold gold X, taking advantage of the early Proof of Volume (PoV) or Proof of Wait (PoW) advantages achieved via the and gold X tokenomics.

The gold X token is the free reward token of the platform. As an application, allows users to buy and sell tokenized gold (FUSEG) and exchange it for any token on the Dex (subject to sufficient available liquidity).

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