Saturday, February 08, 2020

Top clicker at Deliverer Safe List Mr Zeljko Bojic

Dear Deliverer Safelist member Mr Zeljko Bojic

You were a top clicker in 2019, and I would like to present to you a cash prize of between one and three dollars.

Please send a BTC address so I can pay you.

Once again, thanks for your interest in Deliverer Safelist.

Best regards and a happy new year,

Mr Nigel Barksfield

Dear Zeljko,

I have just sent you your $1 prize for clicking Deliverer Safelist emails. Thank you so much for your interest. Please check

I hope you have a fantastic 2020.

Please send something to the safelist if you have time.

Best wishes to you and your loved ones.

Nigel Barksfield



wishxy said...

Thank you.

wishxy said...
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