Showing posts with label forestry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forestry. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Ecotree why not give trees for Christmas?

    Buy trees and support sustainable forestry. We own the land, you own the trees! Start your tree collection today and help us tackle climate change through sustainable forestry.

    Your adventure as a tree owner! Now you are here, we would like to tell you how it works for you as a tree owner, and what makes our sustainable forestry model unique. However, let us start with you.

    You can buy trees in our tree shop, and track their progress in your online account.

    Over your tree's long life, you can visit the forest it grows in, introduce it to your family, and track its growth and value. They grow 2% in size every year.

    We will eventually cut your trees for sustainable timber – a vital resource! 100% of the profit goes back to you!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

GreenGold forestry investment for long-term benefit

GreenGold's tree purchasing and control outlook is centred around a permanent-acquisition concept of forested land ownership.

This foundation principle develops the idea of 'free forest' - thus securing maximum advantage in the long-term as opposed to gaining short-term but unsustainable profits for our investors​.

The term 'free forest'​ is defined usefully by GreenGold as:

* with no financial or very low financial danger of loss.

* unnecessary to sell timber when timber prices are depressed.

* we do not have to maintain​ a constant timber output to just one client.

* we control onsite functions and therefore demonstrate a unified, concentrated management​ team who are all big investors in GreenGold.

* we operate the most cost effective method of owning forested land together, as opposed to other monetary situations such as closed-end capital, equity-traded funds or managed accounts.

Why not visit our website to find out more?